Friday, September 27, 2013

Getting Warmer

Well, I got my second reply from the White House.

Much faster this time; perhaps because I told them that the first one showed either disdain or incompetence.

At least this one is on-subject though it still has the odor of a form letter.

I tried again with this:


Mr. President,

Your last reply was on the right subject but you still didn't answer my question.

For the third time; where did the other $50 trillion that should be in the Social Security trust fund go?

I'd like for you to confirm that it was stolen by the federal government and that the 'real' national debt is closer to $65 trillion.

My math is at;

C'mon, you can say it! You know I'm right. Just admit it. We  wouldn't need all this wealth redistribution if you guys hadn't been stealing from us for all these years; since LBJ, I believe.

Of course, had the money not been stolen, the interest would cost $2 trillion/year but that's a different problem.

Waiting Less Patiently,


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