Saturday, May 11, 2013

Immigration Reform

I just received a newsletter from my Congressman about the new immigration Reform Package.

The letter states “Undocumented adults would pay a $2,000 fine, pass a background check, and wait thirteen years to become citizens, all while paying back taxes and studying English.”

Here’s the thing: taxpayers shell out more than $6 trillion/year for government when federal, state and local levels are added up. Subtracting out Social Security and Medicare, which  illegal, undocumented immigrants (hopefully) can’t get without a Social Security number, leaves over $4.4 trillion.

A government costing $4.4 trillion divided among a population of 311 million is $14,148 per year each: that's over $155 billion/year.

Is the intent to hand a 20-year old illegal immigrant a bill for $283,958 (20 times $14,148) plus a $2,000 fine? After all, undocumented means that we don’t know how long they’ve been here, right? In fact, how do we even know how old they might be?

If we don’t bill them this way, we’re getting ripped off. In fact, we’ve already been ripped off and a $2,000 fine doesn’t even begin to cover the magnitude of the theft.

If they agree to pay (highly doubtful), they’ll fit right in with the rest of us sheep.

This is a bad idea that could only be dreamed up by free-spending liberals that have no concept of ‘other people’s money’.

Compared to the cost of deporting them all makes the cost of deportation look good even with these inflated figures. I say inflated since we needn't hunt them down, just deport them as they are found. A quick visit to most fast food restaurants and southwestern farms will ferret out a high percentage.

As Margaret Thatcher said, “the problem with socialism is that, eventually you run out of other people’s money”.

Please write to your congressman as I have and tell him this is a bad idea. Tell your senators too.

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