Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A Gentle Reminder

It occurred to me that some of my readers may not have the time or inclination to study history or politics objectively. As a result, some continually mistake the policies of conservative capitalism based on the US Constitution as unenlightened and lacking compassion.

I'll freely admit that they are the worst policies except for every other group of policies ever tried.

Rather than proposing solutions to the problems caused by liberal policies (increasing poverty, criminal levels of debt, failing safety net, joblessness, foreclosures, rising student debt, rising medical costs, etc.), I thought it might be more useful to take a look at what would happen if progressive, liberal, socialist, communist policies were brought to their logical conclusions; as if Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, communist North Korea and Chavezist Venezuela weren't strong enough examples.

Government Scope
The government will be omnipotent. It shall be controlled only by those with shared visions of the grandeur of progressive, liberal, socialist, communist policies; the compassionately enlightened. All others shall be ostracized, imprisoned or killed for their lack of compassionate enlightenment; Christians and conservatives first; these followed closely by old white guys.

The primary branches of government shall be:

With a single party, legislative gridlock will be a thing of the past. The only debates will concern the beneficiaries of the next compassionate interventions.

This arrangement is made much easier since the pesky old Constitution shall be replaced by a new one that grants all power to a centralized Executive branch.

The only need for a court will be to freely grant eavesdropping and search warrants.

The centralized government shall be led by someone with charisma who, with his/her pen and phone, shall shepherd the enlightened flock with compassionately enlightened zeal while punishing those who question or criticize.

Our charismatic leader will be able to easily convince all of the other charismatic leaders that they are superfluous; that our charismatic leader will work with the same compassionately enlightened zeal for their people as for his/her own. This will lead to global equality on an unprecedented scale.

The cabinet departments shall be:

Since everyone except the unenlightened will be toiling ceaselessly for the good of their comrades, justice is virtually guaranteed. The FBI shall be renamed the Gentle State Police or Gestapo for short.

All we'll need is for our charismatic leader to finally convince the naysayers that global warming is the only real danger to us all! This should be easy given the threat of imprisonment or death as the alternative.

The convincing shall be followed by a worldwide ban on all burning; thus ending the scourge of global warming for all. No oil, coal, uranium or even poop.

Since the notion of government intelligence is an oxymoron at best and since we'll ultimately be surrounded by compassionately enlightened neighbors who care only for global well-being, we can save tons of money here.

All we'll have to do is double down on our domestic spying to help the Gestapo deal with those burning stuff to keep warm or lacking compassionate enlightenment.

This anachronistic branch of the Executive shall be renamed the Department of Enlightenment; Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and National Guard shall be re-tasked to deal with all global neighbors lacking compassionate enlightenment.

Since all citizens shall have guaranteed jobs at $10.10/hr, free education, free health care, free public transportation, free housing, free food, free clothing and free retirement, little money shall be available to fund the Department of Enlightenment (see budget below).

Fortunately, everyone but we capitalists is enlightened; they have all managed to put selfless interest above the calls of natural selection.

This department shall remain largely unchanged except that it shall be extended to include post-secondary school and post-graduate school and it provides a dedicated instructor for each student.

The glory of progressive, liberal, socialist, communist policies shall be the sole course of study; who would study practical things like math, biology, chemistry and physics for $10.10/hr?

The treasury will collect all revenue from every sale of any kind and redistribute it evenly for guaranteed jobs at $10.10/hr, free education, free health care, free public transportation, free housing, free food, free clothing and free retirement. The budget is roughly as follows:

Payroll             170 million x  $21,008 = $3.57  trillion
Education          68  million x  $21,008  = $1.43 trillion
Healthcare        320 million x $10,000  = $3.2   trillion
Transport          225 million x $  5,000 = $1.13  trillion
Housing            320 million  x $10,000 = $3.2   trillion
Food                320 million x  $  3,500 = $1.12 trillion
Clothing            320 million x $   1,000 = $0.32 trillion
Retirement          55 million x  $21,008 = $1.16 trillion

Total                                                       $15.15 trillion

Using North Korea as a guide for GDP, our GDP will be about $576 billion.

No doubt our compassionately enlightened neighbors will loan us $14.4 trillion/year with absolutely no hope of repayment.

Everyone will be on the government payroll where they toil ceaselessly for the good of their comrades, er, countrymen. Everyone shall receive equal pay for their efforts so as not to harm the self esteem of anyone else.

Our industries shall comprise education, health care, public transportation, housing, food and clothing manufacture.

This is America if we allow liberal policies to continue.

Are we feeling enlightened?

1 comment:

  1. Pretty much right on. People who advocate centralized government have a naive idealism, which actually conflicts with what they really want. And they have almost never spoken with anyone from a socialist nation: hell on earth.
